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Essential Information:
Date: December 2003
Location: Andrews home, Owego, NY
Script: All improv; no prior planning.
Starring / Concept - Jeff Andrews
Director / Editor / Appearing - Peter Berg

Synopsis: An experimental horror masterpiece that features a man with a hat, a mask, candlesticks, a noose, a shephard figurine and a whole lot of scary music. The man with the hat discovers that things are seldom as they seem.

Commentary: Dolique is an experimental horror film that combines bizarre, disturbing imagery with discomforting music basically to freak people out. It was heavily edited, and when we made it, we were trying to parody crappy experimental films that people try to pass off as "high art." So we made up a fake, French-sounding title, Jeff made up a fake, European-sounding language, we shot a whole bunch of random crap, and then we sat down to look at what we had shot. A whole bunch of random stuff. But then, in the editing stages, it actually came together. There is kind of a narrative flow to this, though it's intentionally bizarre. The music is great, though. You can't watch this without turning the sound on your computer up to full blast.

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Posted by: Pete
03 Jun 2004 15:01:50 EDT, 15:01
Dolique turned out really well...you should definitely watch it. There is a very DEEP, HIDDEN MEANING that you can only find through RIGOROUS ANALYSIS and REPEATED VIEWINGS. Heheheh.
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